About gimnasium

Gimnasium history

There is no written information about the first school in Nemakščiai. It looks like it worked in 1778 like a parish school.

  • In 1864 it is closed, but even a few secret narrating schools are established.
  • in 1899 was opened a Russian church school.
  • 1909 a Lithuanian school maintained by the "Saulė" society is established.
  • in 1911 begins a state-supported two-class school.
  • in 1994 May 17 the school was named as Martynas Mažvydas name.
  • in 2014 the school was granted the status of a gymnasium.

Vision and Mission


An attractive, modern, efficient working and learning school with a modern educational base, where it is safe and interesting to learn, good to work and create.


To provide high-quality primary, basic and secondary education services, to teach students to think critically, to achieve their chosen goals and to build their lives responsibly.

The Community of Gymnasium

In our gymnasium there are:

189 pupils;

27 teachers;

53 workers totally;

1 headteacher, 2 deputy directors of education, 1 deputy director for general, economic and affairs; educational assistance is provided by: special pedagogue, speech therapists, social pedagogue, 9 teachers‘ assistants.

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